In case your Synology or other NAS has no support of RSYNC server (eg Active Backup for Business), this setup will synchronise your config to a (remote) backup location.
Note: pihole teleporter backup will be triggered.
Configure Backup PiHole and Unifi
Assumption: Auto backup in Unifi is configured.
Create a script file in: /mnt/backup/
Script must run as ROOT. Therefor adjust the crontab for user ROOT.
In case your Synology or other NAS has no support of RSYNC server (eg Active Backup for Business), this setup will synchronise your config to a (remote) backup location.
Note: pihole teleporter backup will be triggered.
Prepare NAS
- File services: Enable NFS and Rsync
- create User: BackupUsr
- apply RW permissions to shared folder: backup
Mount shared NFS
Following commands will:
# Create backup folder
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo mkdir /mnt/backup
# Create credentials file
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo nano .nascreds
# put in username and password
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo nano /etc/fstab
# Add the NFS shared folder to fstab
// /mnt/backup cifs credentials=/home/pi/.nascreds,nofail,vers=1.0,x-systemd.automount 0 0
# Mount the NFS share
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo mount -a
# Check if mounted
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ mount |grep Backup
# check for typoos
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cat -v /etc/fstab
Configure Backup PiHole and Unifi
Assumption: Auto backup in Unifi is configured.
Prerequisite Rsync
- Install rsync libraries.
- NAS must be mounted (see Mount shared NFS)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install rsync
Create a script file in: /mnt/backup/
# backup Unifi + pihole backup files
# Controleren of we gebruiker root zijn!
if [[ ! $(whoami) =~ "root" ]]; then
echo ""
echo "*****************************************"
echo "*** Dit script moet draaien als root! ***"
echo "*****************************************"
echo ""
# set variables
# backup once a month, retention 3 months is about 100 days
# rsync Unifi backups to NAS
rsync -avh --no-o --no-g --include="*.unf" --exclude "*" $unifi_backup_source/ $unifi_backup_path/
# Need longer retention on NAS than local. Local retentyion is configured in Unifi Controller "backup Schedule"
find $unifi_backup_path/*.unf -mtime +$retention_days -type f -delete
# Pihole backup
# Create folder if not exist
if [ ! -d "$pihole_backup_source" ]; then
mkdir $pihole_backup_source
cd $pihole_backup_source
# create a piHole backup
pihole -a -t
# rsync Unifi backups to NAS and remove local backup
rsync --remove-source-files -avh --no-o --no-g --include="pi-hole-raspberrypi-teleporter*" --exclude "*" $pihole_backup_source/ $pihole_backup_path/
# cleanup files older than retention
find $pihole_backup_path/pi-hole-raspberrypi-teleporter* -mtime +$retention_days -type f -delete
getting the Crontab “code” must run as ROOT. Therefor adjust the crontab for user ROOT.
sudo crontab -e
# add following to run every day at 1900h
0 19 * * * /mnt/backup/