UniFi 5.6.39 LTS Stable Candidate has been released


1 feb 2018
  • As always, make a backup prior to upgrading.
  • Windows users must have x64 Java installed as we only support 64-bit WebRTC library. Please see HERE and download the missing version (64bit offline Windows install package).
  • You cannot re-use a VLAN ID for dynamic VLAN if it is set as a static value for another SSID on the same AP. So, if I have a SSID set to use VLAN 10, I cannot use VLAN ID 10 for RADIUS controlled VLAN users as those users will not get an IP.
  • Smart Queue QoS is similar to the implementation as in EdgeOS (see HERE). It's worth noting that maximum throughput will be affected when using QoS, as traffic is not offloaded. There are some rough guidelines in the article linked above.
  • DFS channels can not be used for wireless uplink in the US. Please use non-DFS channels if you need to use wireless uplink on dual band UAPs.
  • Official UniFi MIBs can be downloaded from HERE and HERE (those are 2 different files).
  • Controller branch 5.6.x requires Java version 7 or higher. We recommend Java version 8. At this time Java 9 is not supported.
  • Features like airtime fairness, bandsteering, load balancing and minimum RSSI are default disabled. If you need them you need to go to Settings>Site and check Enable advanced features.
  • If you previously used Google Maps for a site map, then you have to enable this feature again by adding an API key. This is done under Settings>Controller. There is a linked guide with instructions.

Important Notes:
  • Linux systems must be running a version of MongoDB prior to 3.6.x. We recommend 3.4.x. This is most likely to be an issue on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, as it currently offers MongoDB 3.6.x. An article will be posted to the help center with some general steps to downgrade MongoDB, and we will link to it in this blog post.
  • The initial database migration will take longer than normal. It is expected to see mongo using most, if not all, of the available CPU cycles during this process. Please be patient, this process could easily take 15+ minutes, depending on the amount of historical stats, as well as the system specs. As always, err on the side of caution, and make a backup before upgrading.
  • The controller will not start if it is set to bind to a privileged port (<1024), as it now runs as a non-root user. There are various ways you can fix this immediately, like authbind, although there may be better ways. We're considering options here.
  • If your controller is running on a UniFi Cloud Key (UCK), make sure it is on firmware 0.6.4 or later, otherwise the controller will not start. This firmware is available via the normal upgrade mechanism found in the controller or it's local management page. Make sure to make a backup before upgrading the UCK firmware, as you'll need it to restore after, and it's good to have a backup on hand before any controller upgrade.

Known Issues:
  • airTime will not work if a radio is disabled and/or there isn't any SSID present. This will be fixed in a future release. If you enable it, and it still isn't working, then you may need to force a refresh without cache.
  • If you start both a 2.4GHz and 5GHz scan in quick succession, then it will fail.
  • It is expected that airView will stop occasionally. A stop/start sequence should restore functionality.
  • If you start an airTime scan while airView is running, then airView will stop and you'll need to perform a stop/start sequence to get it working again. This will be fixed in the future.

Controller bugfixes/changes from 5.6.37:
  • Update timezones to match tzdata.
  • Display warning when configured wireless uplink is not used.
  • Fix uplink accordion padding for Ap Switch.
  • Fix incorrect internet traffic count for wireless clients.
  • Fix RADIUS auth and accounting on guest networks when using USG.
  • Fix a bug that could prevent admins from being able to switch sites.
  • Hide configuration section in Elite Device settings when Cloud Access is off.
  • Hide Elite ToS accept button for not supported countries.
  • Temporarily limit MongoDB support to releases prior to 3.6.x (currently 3.4.14 is recommended).
  • Various backend bugfixes and improvements.

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