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UniFi Network Application 9.1.92
Ze hebben weer een hoop geknutseld.
Flinke lijst bugfixes en wat Zone Based Firewall-aanpassingen.
Nu de UDMP een tijdje draait, ben ik me aan het inlezen en verdiepen in de wondere wereld van VLANs en andere optimalisatie dingetjes, zoals fixed IP. En dan komen bij mij altijd al snel (meerdere) vragen naar boven:
1. Is het verstandig om de standaard IP-reeks 192.168.1.x te vervangen door...
Flinke update, o.a. v.w.b. de firewall functionaliteit en hoe daar mee om te gaan, in de vorm van zones:
UniFi Network iOS 8.2.0-80208
Fix an issue where app wouldn't run on iOS 15.
Known issues
Some features (like UI account login) may not work as expected when running the app on macOS Ventura. We are investigating this issue.
Additional information
Changes from previous builds of...
UniFi Network Android 4.4.2
Add UX for outdated Network application versions.
Update dashboard.
Fix unable to create WiFi networks when there are no APs adopted.
Fix DHCP Range issues.
Download links
Google Play
Beta Opt-In
UniFi Network Application 7.3.76
Add port details to Security Detections.
Fix inaccurate WiFi standard for some 2.4GHz clients.
Fix honeypot detections not loading properly.
Fix missing Security Detections in System Logs.
Fix missing Air Stats and Channel Utilization in...
UniFi Network iOS 8.2.0-80204
Show info about ISP for WAN ports in AR.
Update port configuration form.
Update main Settings screen.
Remake various login screens.
Add tooltips to Internet form.
Update some messages.
Fix Bluetooth discovery not working as expected in some...
UniFi Network iOS 8.1.1-80108
Add message about U6 Pro grounding issue.
Additional information
Changes from previous version 8.1.0 include:
Update Dashboard.
Update AR feature.
Show textual representation of WiFi Experience.
Adjust some colors and UI elements.
Remake device port...
UniFi Network Android 4.3.1
* This release is a rolling update, so everyone will get it in the coming days.
Update SSO login and registration screens.
Performance and responsiveness improvements for Devices screen.
Update traffic identification icons.
Align WiFi...
UniFi Network Android 4.3.1
Allow '+' sign to be used when naming standalone access points.
Fix Connect and Talk devices not showing up in Devices screen.
Fix app crash when verifying email address of UI account.
Fix app crash when scrolling through new system logs.
Download links...
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