Official UniFi Network Application 7.0.21


5 okt 2018

UniFi Network Application 7.0.21​



* You can find the 7.0.20 release notes/changelog here.
* This release is currently a Release Candidate.


  • Update DHCP Relay DHCP Servers copy, add global setting notice.


  • Fix rare console lockup issue, when social websites are blocked on DNS level.
  • Fix UXG-Pro remains disconnected after the application host changes IP.
  • Fix AP Group selection.
  • Fix configuring VPN servers for setups with a USG.

Additional information​

Please report any issues you encounter with this release using the Report Bug form.
(Recommended) - Create an up-to-date backup before upgrading your UniFi Network Application settings in the event any issues are encountered.
  • Existing UniFi Network Applications must be on one of the following versions in order to upgrade directly to this version:
7.0.21 and earlier 7.0.x versions.
6.5.55 and earlier 6.5.x versions.
6.4.54 and earlier 6.4.x versions.
6.3.51 and earlier 6.3.x versions.
6.2.26 and earlier 6.2.x versions.
6.1.71 and earlier 6.1.x versions.
6.0.45 and earlier 6.0.x versions.
5.14.25 and earlier 5.14.x versions.
5.13.33 and earlier 5.13.x versions.
5.12.72 and earlier 5.12.x versions.
5.11.52 and earlier 5.11.x versions.
5.10.27 and earlier 5.10.x versions.
5.9.33 and earlier 5.9.x versions.
5.8.30 and earlier 5.8.x versions.
5.7.28 and earlier 5.7.x versions.
5.6.42 and earlier 5.6.x versions.
Most earlier versions are also supported for direct upgrade, going back to 3.1.0.

  • UniFi Network Application updates may cause your adopted devices to reprovision.
  • An updated/current version of Java 8 must be installed on the system hosting the UniFi Network Application. Java 9 and later are not yet supported.
  • As of UniFi Network Application version 5.9, if using Cloud Access, the host system/device requires outbound 8883/tcp to be open/unrestricted. Find up-to-date port requirements here.
  • Minimum supported device firmware for U6-Series devices is 5.29.0, UAP/USW is 4.0.9, and for USG it's 4.4.34.
  • If you have any 'service dns forwarding options' configuration defined in config.gateway.json, it will overwrite the provisioning of statically defined name servers, leaving you with no DNS. Either remove the 'service dns forwarding options' portion of config.gateway.json, or add additional 'options' lines defining name servers, such as 'server=', 'server=', etc.

Microsoft Windows specific
  • Users running 64-bit Windows should only have 64-bit Java installed. If you have 32-bit Java installed then we recommend uninstalling it.

macOS Specific
  • We stopped bundling Java as of UniFi Network 5.11.47. If you're installing that release or later please make sure you have manually installed a current release of Java 8 beforehand. Only the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required.
  • Oracle JRE 8 offers the simplest path as it will simply "just work" without requiring any changes. We may investigate alternative JVMs and update this message accordingly.

Debian/Ubuntu specific
  • For Debian/Ubuntu users installing via our repo, please update your APT source (see HERE).
  • We support MongoDB 3.6 since 5.13.10, older UniFi Network Application versions only support up to MongoDB 3.4.

51fac10577bf06cd0764568515c9de49 *UniFi-installer.exe
822a61fe87d7f0b80c0e7440605e2683 *UniFi.pkg
b49d29d523b2f4057c72ab64c95e2d65 *
f51cffeddd7eef21e285465a41b6c36e *unifi_sysvinit_all.deb
601df32736f41e40a80a3e472450a3e1 *unifi_sh_api


SHA256(UniFi-installer.exe)= b38ee6dc6f364dcc81ae96a8098b7afd55497a55241065283570cc03a5afc43b
SHA256(UniFi.pkg)= e64be43a4bf725d06fd2b8f37c542013483757896fbb851d0ac286edb024c591
SHA256( 3ebf6477fc7e7ef378b3c428faa8a5be71463fedf15dd1c362d1af79f4223baf
SHA256(unifi_sysvinit_all.deb)= 0275336233705338a4d76b42148208e0e5e4229e0a4afcddceeb0907d92a4ec8
SHA256(unifi_sh_api)= 1791685039ea795970bcc7a61eec854058e3e6fc13c52770e31e20f3beb622eb

Download links
UniFi Network Application for Windows
UniFi Network Application for macOS
UniFi Network Application for Debian/Ubuntu and UniFi Cloud Key
unifi_sh_api (shell library)
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: m4v3r1ck en PcRene
Weer een Official die eigenlijk Release Candidate is ? Dit stukje blijf ik slecht begrijpen. Gaat er dus ook (nog) niet op.
Tja, het blijft vooralsnog een EA product dus je moet (of is het mag?) niet te zwaar tillen aan Official/RC. Ik heb inmiddels voldoende vertrouwewn in UI dat ik het wel aandurf met mijn UDR als enige (!) toegang tot het Internet.

En anders heb ik nog twee boeken van Brandon Massey liggen om de tijd te overbruggen :ROFLMAO:
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: m4v3r1ck
Als het goed is heb je daar nu 6.5.5 op staan.
Ik weet eigenlijk niet of 7.x geschikt is voor de CK1
Wat je kan doen is om binnen je UI account EA aan te zetten. Dan zou wellicht de 7.x te voorschijn moeten komen om te updaten.

Wellicht is er iemand hier die hier een beter antwoord voor heeft.